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Conference Crowd




APRIL 2022

Zagreb, Croatia





Claudia Chloe




These amazing speakers have been at the forefront of global employer branding projects. Charu’s led talent marketing at diverse multi-national brands like Unilever, Ferrero, BP Plc and Primark. She has presented her work at a variety of global marketing conferences and is a regular podcast guest talking about culture, technology and brand experience. Claudia was the Chairman of Universum Strategic Board where for over 25 years she has been leading many Employer branding and strategy projects supporting the leadership teams of many of the world’s leading companies, including Accenture, Apple, ABINBEV, Audi, Barclays, Citibank, Coca-Cola, Exxon, Facebook, Google. Faye works as Global HR Lead for Future of Work transformation across the MSCI enterprise and has been leading Deutsche Bank's global employer branding and early careers talent acquisition teams. Tina is leading Atlantic Grupa's employer branding in our region and everyone knows about employer branding nerd, James Ellis, author of "Talent Chooses You", many other employer branding resources and host of employer branding podcast "The Talent Cast". 





Tina Milicic


We are humbled and happy they will share their experiences and years of crafting their employer branding skills with our audience.

Our purpose is to accelarate the adoption and benefits of strategic employer brand management by supporting our community 



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90 EUR

Monthly Raffle

Leave your e-mail and name and each month we will select one winner of free conference pass for July, August, September, November

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Conference program

09:15     Vladimir Benić: Welcome and warm-up session 
09:30    KEYNOTE - Charu Malhotra:

Bring in the talent, the new age of employer branding needs stories, differentiation and substance 

10:15      Tina Miličić:
Atlantic Grupa: flavourful mistakes and learnings in Employer Branding

11:00      Coffee-break

11:15        Claudia Chloe Tattanelli:
The importance of culture in going from  employer brand to employee brand

12:00     Faye Woodhead: TBD

12:45     Lunch

14:00     Judit Nyitrai-Szeidl​:

Employer Branding at MOL Group - Activating MOL Group’s EVP  

14:45     Fireside chat with Award's finalists of Best Employer Brand Manager (m/f)

15:30      Coffee-break

15:50      James Ellis, live virtual talk:  TBD

16:35      Q&A re-cap session with speakers panel

17:00     Closing

19:00     Start of Best Employer Brand Awards Adria Ceremony

The Venue

Komedija Theatre in Zagreb, Croatia - APRIL 2022

komedija slika from stage.jpeg

Connect with regional leaders in employer branding and get inspired by these amazing speakers which have been shaping employer branding conversations on the global scale in the last 15 years.


Claudia Chloe


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Tina Milicic



Claudia Tattanelli

is the founder and CEO of  C-YourCulture.

Formerly Claudia was the Chairman of Universum Strategic Board where for over 25 years she has been leading many Employer branding and strategy projects supporting the leadership teams of many of the world’s leading companies, including Accenture, Apple, ABINBEV, Audi, Barclays,Campari, Citibank, Coca-Cola, Exxon, EY, Facebook, H&M, Goldman Sachs, Google, IBM, JP Morgan, Lamborghini, L’Oreal, Mondelez, Lenovo, P&G, SAP, Siemens, United Nations, Unilever. 

Claudia is a regular keynote speaker at many conferences and events worldwide and has been quoted in many leading newspapers and journals including Businessweek, CNN,The New York Times, Financial Times, Forbes, Fortune, Washington Post ,Il Sole 24 ore, Corriere Della sera and The Economist.Claudia has been a guest on Bloomberg, Fox and CNBC’s Morning Call and many other media outlets. 

Charu Malhotra

is a global expert in building employer brands, centring the candidate and employee experience in everything she creates.


Charu’s led talent marketing at diverse multi national brands like Unilever, Ferrero, BP Plc and Primark. 


She has presented her work at a variety of global marketing conferences and is a regular podcast guest talking about culture, technology and brand experience. Connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter where she talks about how inclusion, culture and employee value propositions intersect. 

‘Bring in the talent, the new age of employer branding needs stories,differentiation and substance’. Her talk will cover how employer branding is evolving showcasing best practice examples and highlight why working with communications, marketing and HR is key to successful talent brands. 

Tina Miličić

is employer branding expert from Atlantic Grupa, winner of Best employer brand manager award in 2020.


Tina often shares experiences about the Atlantic Grupa's journey in building and managing their employer brand. Over the past six years of development in the Atlantic Grupa, Tina’s curiosity and creativity have built her into one of the most versatile professionals with a broad knowledge of communications, marketing, culture and people.

Things can't always go as planned and expected, so Tina will share her learnings in her talk about Atlantic Grupa: flavourful mistakes and learnings in Employer Branding.

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James Ellis

is Employer Brand Nerd at Roku, Inc.


Highly-rated speaker at ERE, RecruitCon, Social Recruiting Strategies Conference, HR Tech Expo, SHRM and multiple industry conventions. James is committed to helping every business hire better by re-thinking their employer brand and using cutting-edge recruitment marketing strategies.

Inventor of the Recruiting Content Framework, the Employer Brand Manifesto and the first comprehensive Employer Brand Architecture, reinvented the employer brand of a public Fortune 1000 company, first person to prove content positively impacts applications, turned a failing brand activation department into a multi-million dollar growth engine, started a media-buying department from scratch, and expanded content and social offerings globally. Launching impactful projects is his superpower. He's witty, intelligent, inspiring and awesome speaker.

James is the author of "Talent Chooses You: Hire Better with Employer Branding" and a host of the most caffeinated employer branding podcast "The Talent Cast".

Faye Woodhead
Talent, Diversity & Inclusion, Employer Brand & Culture Executive


Experienced Global Lead with a demonstrated history of working in Financial Services. Expertise spans Employer Brand, Employee engagement and experience, Diversity & Inclusion, Talent Management, Talent Acquisition, HR Tech & Innovation and Future of Work practices.

Currently works as Global HR Lead for Future of Work transformation across the MSCI enterprise, leading cultural, behavioural and role based initiative to increase productivity, engagement and client centricity. 

Faye was Global Head, Employer Brand & Early careers Talent Acquisition at Deutsche Bank. She has experience across US, Asia, India, Europe and U.K. Markets. A proven leader with creativity, ability to influence at Board level and a track record of business and process development in an ever changing environment.

Judit Nyitrai-Szeidl
Group Recruitment Manager at MOL Group

She will be talking about Employer Branding at MOL Group - Activating MOL Group’s EVP

Judit started working in the field of HR at Diageo BSC in 2004 in Budapest Hungary. In 4 years she became the leader of the recruitment team and her biggest achievement was the first place in candidate satisfaction survey, all across the globe in Diageo. She has also actively participated in the EVP creation of the company.

In 2009 when BP was opening a new office in Budapest she has joined their team, being responsible for the recruitment activities of the whole organization. As the company has grown and expanded the scope of by 2011 she was the leader of a group of 5 recruiters, being responsible for candidate care, agency relations and being part of the management team having the recruitment activities continuously on the agenda. In 2011 she moved to an HR partner role for Finance area. 

In 2013 Judit joined MOL as HR partner as she has realized she prefers to work in multinational environment. 
In 2020 March she has been selected for a Group Senior HR partner role, where she was working on Group level activities and was involved in M&A and efficiency improvement projects.
Judit started as a Group Recruitment Manager on 1st of October 2021.

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